Many would call me an asshole, or at best a Rogue Trainer. I like to stir things up - find the truth - give you the real facts. I hate "fluff". That makes me a target and unpopular with the trainers with no clue just out for a quick cash grab.
For example most "Before" and "After" photos in the magazines are actually photographed in reverse. They start already ripped and cut then stop training and get fat. Then the "amazing" ad displays "the proof" of their fat burning product or training system. This happens way more than you can imagine. (More on that later)
Here is a list of trainers I trust:
Chris Young
Dan John
Brooks Kubik
Bob Whalen
I am someone who wants REAL WORLD proof regarding training systems, supplements, and diets. Not just a "three week study". Who gives a sh$t!! ANYONE can take a genetically gifted person and proclaim, "I created this awesome physique with my new secret training system that will cost you only &79.99!". Many to most training gurus train genetically gifted athletes as their subjects of success - not even including the MASSIVE drug intake of many of these "success" stories. These Pro athletes are not only at the top of their prospective sports, but they are also getting paid to train! Their entire life revolves around their body. All I am asking you is to open you minds to my ideas and true stories.
"To go against the dominant thinking of your friends, of most of the people you see every day, is perhaps the most difficult act of heroism you can perform," Thoedore H. White
What will this blog be??
It will motivate, educate, and give you the truth regarding natural training, drug training, supplements, and diet.
Here are some of my qualifications:
I've won Natural bodybuilding shows-
I've won my weight class several times both in the drug tested USAPL and the AAPF in my weight class in powerlifting-
I have competed in Strongman shows and have competed with some of the professionals you see on ESPN-
I was a certified personal trainer for over 10 years-
I have a Master Degree in Psychology so I know how these "fake" trainers think-
I've worked for a MAJOR supplement company and know many "behind the scenes" stories-
I was a writer for a National magaize-
So strap in and get ready!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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