Tuesday, December 11, 2012

My pod casts on the MIGHTY CAST!!!!!!

Chris and Nick have an incredible web site with dynamic and informative pod casts. So they just had to invite me... ;)  Below are the links to both Mighty Casts that I have participated. Please check them out as well as all of the other Might Casts!!!!!!!!



Saturday, November 17, 2012

STOP IT!!!!!!

Come on already! How can a genetically gifted DRUG freak that is obese help a REAL person with a life, job, and the wanting to live past the age of 40 tell me how to deadlift better??? "Pavel" and "Andy B." have released a "new" deadlifting book that is a TOTAL joke!!! For "only $50.00 you too can learn the "secrets". Maybe I should forget about educating people regarding strength training, bodybuilding, and fitness, and instead just write bull-shit books and steal your money!!!!!!! There is PLENTY of FREE information, or reasonably priced information, on how to deadlift with success and power. When my e-book is published I will sell it at the cheapest price possible.

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Let me tell ya a little story about a man named Jed.... Wait, that's a different story. ;p
This story is a brief one about genetics again. During my competitive bodybuilding career I was always asked about how I got my quads so big and ripped. All I did were squats and leg presses - that's it!  Now that I am more interested in strength I'm not at that crazy low body fat of 6% or less; so the cuts are not there.

Okay now the real part of my whole genetics thing. I have not trained triceps directly for over 10 years, yet they continue to be my strongest and most developed body part. My arms are not huge (I only weigh 205 now), but they still measure a little over 18". All I do is heavy bench and heavy should presses. Zero isolation work. Even when I was on stage I always used the basic compound exercises - very rarely did I do press downs, etc.

My point is - yes we can ALL get bigger, leaner, and increase muscularity; But your strongest body parts will always be the easiest to respond. BUT you CAN and WILL still improve your weaker bodyparts by training them. Just don't compare yourself to the pro bodybuilders on about 20 drugs to your physique.

I could write a book about how to build BIG triceps; but my first sentence would have to be, have the right genes!!
Me 2 days ago weighing 205. My tri's are just hangin' no flexing at all.My smile looks crazy flexed though - LOL!

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Mission Statement

"To go against the dominant thinking of your friends, of most of the people you see every day, is perhaps the most difficult act of heroism you can perform," Thoedore H. White
What will this blog be??

It will motivate, educate, and give you the truth regarding natural training, drug training, supplements, and diet.

Here are some of my qualifications:
I've won Natural bodybuilding shows-
I've won my weight class several times both in the drug tested USAPL and the AAPF in my weight class in powerlifting-
I have competed in Strongman shows and have competed with some of the professionals you see on ESPN-
I was a certified personal trainer for over 10 years-
I have a Master Degree in Psychology so I know how these "fake" trainers think-
I've worked for a MAJOR supplement company and know many "behind the scenes" stories-
I was a writer for a National magaize-

So strap in and get ready!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


YES! Genetics do matter!!

This is a co-worker of mine. He is 31, smokes, eats off the lunch truck, and... does not work out!! I'm not writing this to say he is a bad person or anything; he's a cool dude. He has abs, ripped delts, over 16 inch arms, and has symmetry.  Although he is not flexing here he is vascular as hell as well!!  This guy could place in the top 3 in a natural bodybuilding class in the middle weight class no problem right now.
The reason I'm writing about him is that ANYONE could train this guy and get results. That is what MOST training gurus do. They hand pick genetic marvels, put them on a "secret" program and then presto! Their "system" is the best! It's all bull-shit!

I would have to take drugs and dedicate my life to look like him if we were both training on the same program. Fair or unfair, it's just the way it is. My point is, don't fall victim to all of these programs promising to get you your best results ever. 9 times out of 10 you also have to buy their supplements, pay them too much money, and maybe get some results. Then if you don't get results they say it's your fault for not following their "special" program to the letter.

I tell ya though - if I trained this guy above; he would be the next Mr. Natuaral Michigan!!